In this page we will talk about how much of anything is good for you, why your body needs calories, etc.

Sometimes you can get mislead hearing your parents say that your favorite kind of burger has to many calories. Calories are really just energy. Say you have something to eat with  500 calories that's not bad as long as you try to burn off at least half of it. When you eat something with a lot of calories don't try to burn it all off because your body needs calories. Boys and Girls who are growing up need a little bit more than the average calorie dose everyday. A child needs 1,500 - 2,500 calories each day. There isn't a specific number of calories each child should have everyday, but if you are getting ready for the big game have a good sized meal before going out to play.


30% of your daily intake from calories should be from fat. On the label of food they have how many calories from fat  are in the food.
To reach the goal of 30% of your daily intake being fat is to eat foods that are about 30% fat. Unsaturated fats are not a bad kind of fat. Saturated and trans fats, on the other hand, are bad kinds of fats if you have to much. Having to much can raise blood cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease.We eat dietary fat because it helps kids bodies grow and develop. It also fuels the body and helps absorb some vitamins. Fat is not bad as long as you don't have to much.


  Carbohydrates are in most foods and the body breaks it down into simple sugars. We get most of our energy from carbs. There are two different kinds of carbs - simple and complex carbs. Both kinds of carbs are good for your body as long as you don't have to many. Complex carbs usually give you energy for a longer amount of time. You get simple carbs from sugary candies and complex come from vegetables, whole grain, etc. Limiting your simple carbs and eating more complex carbs is probably a good idea to prevent diabetes and heart disease.

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